Positano Luggage Service
Trasporto bagagli

Luggage transport

Make your journey light

Deposito bagagli

Luggage storage

Choose freedom and security

Movimentazione merci

Goods handling

With a phone call you can move what you want

Movimentazione merci


Avoid DIY, rely on professionals

Movimentazione merci

Support for catering and events

let’s make your days better

Movimentazione merci

Movie Sets Assistance

We carry the “stars”

Movimentazione merci

Transport for disabled and elderly people

Not just objects

Movimentazione merci

Delivery on boat

We can also reach you at sea

Transport for disabled and elderly people

Given the particular and characteristic conformation of Positano, displacement could represent a problem for people with disabilities and the elderly. With diligence and attention we offer with the utmost professionalism and care towards those who need this need, the FREE transport service from the main road to the Port of Positano and vice versa.

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